Jiongnan Liu (刘炯楠)

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Jiongnan Liu (刘炯楠)
CS/IR/NLP Ph.D. Candidate
Renmin University of China

[Google Scholar] [Semantic Scholar] [DBLP] [GitHub]


I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student at the Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Zhicheng Dou. Previously, I received B.Eng degrees in Computer Science from School of Information, Renmin University in 2021.

My research focuses on information retrieval and natural language processing, with an emphasis on personalization. Specifically, I work on personalized search in both web and e-commerce domains, as well as personalized content generation. Recently, I have also developed an interest in retrieval-augmented generation.

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